Upcoming Events

RehabWeek brings together different conferences in the field of rehabilitation technology and includes common keynote lectures and other mutually organized sessions such as panel discussion and poster sessions.
Past Events
Date: October 7-10, 2020
Location: Virtual Conference
As part of our long-standing collaboration with the WFNR, IISART will present a session on Artificial Intelligence in Rehabilitation Technology, and the excitement and fears associated with it.
The session of this fully virtual congress will take place on October 8th, at 12.30pm CEST. All sessions will be available on demand for three months after the congress for registered participants.
MRW2021 and MESROB2021
Date: July 7-11 2021
Location: Basel, Switzerland
The IISART standards group will be contributing to the program with Thierry Keller. Don’t miss his exciting session on why industry standards matter!
IISART companies receive a 15% discount on all sponsoring and exhibition options. We hope to see you in Basel in June 2021!
RehabWeek 2021
Date: September 23-25 2021
Location: Virtual
RehabWeek Rotterdam was postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic, but we still want to get the community together this year and give you the opportunity to meet your peers, learn, exchange ideas and have some fun! Please join us for RehabWeek virtual ’21 from September 23rd to 25th! We are planning a very interactive program, which includes live virtual site visits, small group discussions, an interactive poster session and more. Join us for this #VirtualButInteractive event and help us push the field of Rehabilitation Technology forward! Check www.rehabweeek.org for more information or follow IISART and RehabWeek on LinkedIn.
RehabWeek 2022
Date: July 25-29 2022
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
RehabWeek 2022, took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, with eight societies joining together and attracted over 800 delegates from all around the world.
RehabWeek 2023
Date: September 24-28 2023
Location: Singapore, Singapore
RehabWeek 2023 took for the first time place in Asia, namely in Singapore. Nine societies joined hands together to attract over 1300 attendees.